SCBC_Recipebook is voluptatibus magni nemo est. Nulla nobis dicta iste minus dolor repellendus aspernatur atque. Earum expedita aut inventore tempora fugiat deleniti. Molestias minima nam expedita beatae totam ipsa reprehenderit animi. Occaecati quibusdam beatae ducimus voluptate ut doloribus vitae amet. Quia ut ut voluptate dignissimos adipisci dolorum rem.
[!NOTE] I’m currently just getting this scanned and in - they may not be accurate. This phase is just get the data in and get it roughly formatted. I plan to go back into all of these, fix up errors, and write up some general process notes, etc. For example, we don’t pitch a single packet of dried yeast into 100 gal wort. We would top crop from a previous batch or propagate, over a couple of days, a good liter of slurry which we would pitch.
[!NOTE] AI was used for OCR and initial drafting of the Markdown format. During the process, the AI’s were inconsistent, made frequent errors, wrongly interpreted and changed things, and ignored the hand written notes… of course. Image scan’s of the original log sheets are included - please doublecheck the printed recipe against the included photos and any additional notes. We didn’t follow these to the letter as we had developed our own process in the brewhouse. All the printed stats are calculated values - actual measured values will appear in the log sheet when included.
Copyright (c) (2024): Scott Kirvan - All rights reserved
SCBC_Recipebook is licensed under the MIT License.
Project Link: SCBC_Recipebook